Freatured Spotlight: Aziza's August Giveaway

For the Month of August were having a product giveaway submit your natural hair photos or your favorite natural product review to contact@azizabeautysupply with "Aziza Beauty Giveaway!" in the subject line with your full name. The contest is only open to U.S. & Canadian residents and we will select a winner at random on August 16th and you will receive a gift basket value at $50 full of great natural products. Contest starts August 1st and runs until August 15th.
Please take the time to visit us and register on all registered members will receive 15% of everyday.
Aziza Beauty was created to share information regarding natural beauty. Create your own page/blog, discuss topics on the forum, and enjoy!
We are a rapidly growing group and we look forward to your participation in the discussions and posting on your blog. Whenever you have a question for us all, that you think would be a great topic of discussion, Post it, so we all can take part.
Your participation along with ours will makes Aziza's Social Network an interactive and lively place to encourage, uplift, advise and even make us laugh. So remember that we want to hear from you even if you only want to comment on someone else’s discussion or blog post….go ahead, get started :-)